Roses beg me to take their picture. Well any flowers, really, but especially roses. With my "craft room" in Reorganization Mode, I just had to get outside for awhile. Now I am procrastinating by posting pictures. HA!!
This one's from a bush that I got marked "miniature roses" and was covered in tiny yellow blooms. I planted it about ten years ago, and now it is no longer "miniature". I really don't know when it changed. I don't even know how, since I assumed MINIATURE were always that. Just gradually it has gotten bigger and bigger blooms. They are very fragrant.
I do need to find a class on pruning roses. I talked to a gardener once who said he uses a hedge trimmer! My daughter in law's dad is a landscape architect so I could even ask him...
This one is called Betty Boop. The picture is pinker than actual color, and there is a golden blush in the center. Someday maybe I will have a camera that is more accurate.
My mother in law was given this and when we sold her house I couldn't bear to leave it behind (ahem... and a couple other bushes!!)

There is only one of my dad's amaryllis bulbs blooming this year. More than last year, they got shocked by the move I think. Snails seem to love them as well, and many of the buds got eaten. Not sure what color it is yet, it's getting there!! Glad there's one, but hoping that next year they will do better.
This made me miss my dad, and then laugh. I thought, "I'll have to ask Dad about caring for these and when to fertilize them" then remembered that he's gone... and then remembered what he told me when I DID ask him, several years ago....
another one of Grandma's beauties, just after it rained. Something about rain drops on roses (and whiskers on kittens??)
This one is a pink and orange beauty. Grandma used to just take a cutting and stick it in the ground. They would grow for her... usually 3 out of 5 or so would dig in. This was one of her favorite roses so there are a couple bushes of them. This one's in a pot on the front porch, greeting us with its cheery blooms when we come home.
an iris beauty from Lodi Lake |
the amaryllis when I first noticed the bud |
the daisies from our "island" which is nearly covered in rosemary |
And I had to sneak a peek into the neighbor's garden... through a fence knot. ;)