It feels, somehow, that I am at the end of my LEARNING where knitting and crocheting are concerned. I don't really want to bother with complicated patterns, and I must admit that I am a forever novice yarn person. That's ok. Mostly, I've made afghans, hats, scarves, tons of wash cloths and such. I've been seeing patterns for little coin purses and such that don't look super complex, I am more proficient at crochet than knitting. I have more confidence when I crochet and have made items "by ear" meaning, just hold it up and start crocheting and adding stitches where I want to. Doll dresses mainly. Lately, I've wanted to do only little projects instead of afghans. I only knit one sweater in my life, and my mom finished it because I got frustrated. I took a class on pattern drafting, and made some small sweaters for dolls, but there was a LOT in that class. It was called Needle Arts, and included needlepoint, knit and crochet, and crewel embroidery. I loved trying out all the different skills, but mainly focused on crochet. I'm left handed, so that has complicated learning for me. I end up crocheting left handed and knitting right handed.
I do have a set of looms that I have made MANY hats. I enjoy the repetitiveness and the fact that I don't have to think much.
Right now I have all projects that I started finished. I did abandon one, since I couldn't tell where the pattern was, it was really nubby yarn and so I frogged it. I am thinking about doing socks out of some lovely variegated stuff like the first socks I did.
Then I'm down to scrappy things, odds and ends, odd skeins that don't match with much. I'm thinking that I will pull out the doll sweater patterns and get going. They are pretty small and quick and something I can finish, and no new stitches to learn or anything. And I love that the dolls have sweaters, too. Feeds two addictions, yarn and dolls.
It does feel good to be all caught up with yarnish projects. Now to use up the stash. No new yarn, there's still a couple bags. Lorna gave me a BIG bag of all sorts of stuff, acrylic. I have enjoyed making little things with it. My favorite was the Shawlette with some sparkly white yarn.
It does seem that life is winding down. I'm not old, but I really do not want to keep collecting yarn and fabric and paper, but use up what I have already so I don't leave so much junk for my kids to have to sort through.
But I'm not dead yet, at least today.