One of the things that I do is displays. Usually it's purses or table runners, things I can finish quickly since I seem to pack my life with little jobs instead of having ONE like a Normal Person. I've been wanting to try Eleanor Burns' Quick Trip Quilt since it's similar to what my mother used to do. My thinking was I'll just start with a miniature one, it will be fast and easy. Well it has been, I finished the center part in just one day. The hardest part was sewing the two halves together. But I'm not the world's most accurate "scant 1/4 inch seam" sewer yet; and this is in MINIATURE! Trust me to start with the more difficult. But I love the way it is turning out! I should be able to get the borders and binding on later in the week and maybe even finish by Friday.The method is quick strip piecing. I've never done this before. You sew in strips, then sew those strips into a tube, then cut those tubes into rings, cut those rings in just the right spot and sew everything back together. You have to focus, but it isn't difficult. Next will be a bigger quilt. I'm saving up blues and yellows for my sewing room bed.
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