So it's going to have to be postponed. Somehow wish I could just make the stuff in that room go *poof* and be all sorted and taken to donate or sell; I have a few things at a consignment shop but not much hope that they will sell. They offered way less than I expected... don't know what to do exactly. Sell them on Ebay? I wonder if I know anyone who would like to help me figure that out... then there's the where do I put my inventory and we are back to that room needs HELP... so just gotta laugh.
Found a Betsy McCall that isn't in very good shape; she's about $40. Get her? Don't? I want her even though she has a damaged foot and hand. Don't want to pay $125 for a mint condition one. Do I NEED it? Of course not. Do I WANT it? Of course. I could learn how to fix a leg. I don't think it would be noticeable with her shoes and socks on. I think I am nutty.
I want chocolate. LOL

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