I AM thankful for the first daffodil. There are a lot of buds, and the rosemary is also blooming and full of bees. The back yard is green, and it is calming and lovely.
I see the start of chickweed and mallow. I didn't know mallow well until last year when I started reading about all the wonderful medicinal qualities and even dried some. Last year, I caught hubby digging it up when he thought I wasn't looking. Have to watch him more carefully this year!
Many around the country are dealing with lots of snow. I envy them for ten minutes, and then I am thankful that the driveway doesn't need to be plowed, and the chicken coop dug out.
I have some friends who have chickens here. I've thought about it, but we have enough hawks in the area that might be a problem, and plenty of rats and racoon. That reminded me of when my dad set up a trap to catch a coon when it kept raiding our coop and stealing our chicks. My son and I went out early one morning and there was a baby in the trap. We let it go. Fortunately it didn't raid our coop again, and I wasn't going to tell my dad, but we ended up confessing and my dad just laughed.
I think of those days and remember the good mostly but sometimes it makes me profoundly sad. Today I'm remembering the good and being thankful that we had the chance to live in such a wonderful beautiful place and my children got to grow up knowing the wild places and the wind. And the wild plants, that I haven't seen much here, but as we get older the weeds get higher before being dealt with, and I have the privilege of greeting some old friends and making some new ones. Trying to distract Husband so he'll let the "weeds" grow longer.
Now I need miner's lettuce, henbit, and maybe some mullein. I got some calendula seeds, need to get them planted too. I have some very old lavender seeds gathered from my plant that died awhile ago... and I put a few on a paper towel the other day and wet them and lo and behold they sprouted!! So some lavender's gonna grow here again too. Rebirth I think, after this season of loss.
So, February, give us some rain, so I can grow stuff.

Wow, how lovely to see daffs in February instead of a couple feet of snow drifts over my flowers. I am waiting for some new tulips I planted last fall to come up but it will be a few months yet. Probably late May or early June.
Enjoy your beautiful blossoms and lets hope your hubby is gentle on the plants for a little while. :)
I didn't complain that he cleaned out the front yard, but the back is still beautifully green. I used to live in the hills and I ate the edibles, and didn't really think stuff grew here, but I've been finding a few, and it's been like greeting old friends LOL
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