I watched Encanto, and then found Mirabel at the thrift store, and then I found Luisa. But she had no shoes. I have shoes of many dolls, but the only thing that fit was some too big blue tennis shoes that looked really odd with her dress. While waiting for my sewing machine part, I decided to try making her shoes. I was inspired by Chelly at chellywood.com who has made shoes. I however didn't use any of her patterns, because there weren't any Luisa's size.
So I traced around her feet and cut it out of light card stock and glued it to felt and cut it out. It was hard to cut because I was lazy and didn't go get my good shears. But I got it, and then glued felt to the other side of the card stock and cut it out, one left foot and one right foot.
I then made a loop of felt to go across the top of her foot, and hand stitched it together. They looked really plain so I embroidered with a teensy blanket stitch and a little flower.
Things I would do differently:
DON'T be lazy, go get and use good shears.
I used rather thick felt, it might be easier with lighter felt.
Make a pattern for the cross piece, and embroider it before assembly.
Put the loop between the layers of felt. I don't think the card stock was necessary.
Have black elastic thread on hand so I could make a strap to go around the back.
Not bad for the first try. When I get the elastic I will add the strap to these. I will make another pair, maybe red like her original shoes.

Very nice!
Thank you. I did discover that Luisa's feet are almost the same size as the Unimax dolls of the world. But I don't have shoes for them either, other than the one that had shoes. 😆
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