I made this a long time ago. I don't think I was blogging here at the moment, I was working for a quilt store, and we started selling felt, so I made this among other things for display. I didn't use felt from the store (!) but it was on display there for awhile along with a little scottie dog and a kitten in a mitten, which I gave away. They were fun to make.
My mom and grandma each had a little felt roll similar to this. I think it was originally designed to be a mending kit. For me, it's a little case for when I'm embroidering or doing applique. It has needles, a needle threader, tiny scissors for snipping thread, and a tiny seam ripper that's good for boo boos.
I googled "felt needle case" and there are so many wonderful ideas out there! It would be fun to make for someone who embroiders. I don't remember if I used a pattern, I think I did for the applique but don't know. I did this at least 10 years ago....
The felt I used is acrylic craft felt. I've made a lot of things out of felt and I still have a drawer full. I always have big plans but they don't always happen. Long ago I decided that the planning is also valuable, and if I don't do EVERYTHING it's okay. Right now I'm trying to finish the ones I started, and I am well on my way.

You've used such bright colors here! I love it!
Chelly thanks for commenting. I don't know if you can tell, it's two layers, but I sewed on the inner pockets and flaps first, appliqued on the other piece, then sewed the two together. and then blanket stitched around.i used a Velcro closure, but I recommend a button or snap because the Velcro sticks to the felt.
And Chelly (and anyone else who stumbles in here) you are welcome to poke around in here. Click on the header, then scroll down to where it says "web version" and there should be a tag list on the right.
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