What you think you can’t handle — might actually be God handing you a gift.
And I say, I don’t know what to do about this current gift, Lord…. and my mind goes back to 1987. One spring day a phone call sent my world spinning. My dear friends had lost a son, he drowned when his family’s car went into the canal. He was the same age as and a playmate of one of my sons (Joel), and it was devastating. His parents said they knew it was God’s hand, but I struggled with it. A few days later I watched in horror as my father ran over my dog as I screamed at the dog to get out of the way. Another day in the same week the cows came home with their noses covered in porcupine quills. I had just had major surgery, the kind that kept me in the hospital for a week and a half as I fought infection and pneumonia and then two more weeks spent at my mother in law's because I couldn't have little ones jumping on me. I had been away from home for a MONTH. I had only been home a few weeks.
The same week, still weak from that, I discovered that I was pregnant. I had been suspecting it, but a visit to the doctor and a pregnancy test confirmed it.
My doctor had told me Do Not Get Pregnant again, your body is weak from babies and surgery. And here I was, pregnant with #5 and my surgery incision wasn’t even healed yet.
I cried for days. I didn’t want to believe it. I told God there was no way I could handle all this, four littles and a newborn– while recovering from surgery?
I didn’t see it right away. BUT…. I read a devotional from Ann Voskamp...
MomAnd I say, I don’t know what to do about this current gift, Lord…. and my mind goes back to 1987. One spring day a phone call sent my world spinning. My dear friends had lost a son, he drowned when his family’s car went into the canal. He was the same age as and a playmate of one of my sons (Joel), and it was devastating. His parents said they knew it was God’s hand, but I struggled with it. A few days later I watched in horror as my father ran over my dog as I screamed at the dog to get out of the way. Another day in the same week the cows came home with their noses covered in porcupine quills. I had just had major surgery, the kind that kept me in the hospital for a week and a half as I fought infection and pneumonia and then two more weeks spent at my mother in law's because I couldn't have little ones jumping on me. I had been away from home for a MONTH. I had only been home a few weeks.
The same week, still weak from that, I discovered that I was pregnant. I had been suspecting it, but a visit to the doctor and a pregnancy test confirmed it.
My doctor had told me Do Not Get Pregnant again, your body is weak from babies and surgery. And here I was, pregnant with #5 and my surgery incision wasn’t even healed yet.
I cried for days. I didn’t want to believe it. I told God there was no way I could handle all this, four littles and a newborn– while recovering from surgery?
I didn’t see it right away. BUT…. I read a devotional from Ann Voskamp...
What you think you can’t handle — might actually be God handing you a gift.
And I think back on all the years of an amazing gift… my son James.
I am crying, and can hardly breathe, thinking, how I railed at God, asked Him what He was doing…. and he was giving me a GIFT. And God not only understood what I was saying, He was there, patiently knowing how much joy that little boy would give us.
And I am SO blessed; not only do I have five wonderful kids, but each of them has an amazing someone that loves them, and they all warm my heart. And along the way I gained two more (step)sons, and two more daughters in law…. and a bunch of little precious grandsons.
so remember...
What you think you can’t handle — might actually be God handing you a gift.
And I think back on all the years of an amazing gift… my son James.
I am crying, and can hardly breathe, thinking, how I railed at God, asked Him what He was doing…. and he was giving me a GIFT. And God not only understood what I was saying, He was there, patiently knowing how much joy that little boy would give us.
And I am SO blessed; not only do I have five wonderful kids, but each of them has an amazing someone that loves them, and they all warm my heart. And along the way I gained two more (step)sons, and two more daughters in law…. and a bunch of little precious grandsons.
so remember...
What you think you can’t handle — might actually be God handing you a gift.
I love you, James.... and am so thankful you are my son. I don't get to see you often enough, or even know you enough. I hope we get to see you soon.

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