I've been looking at Cat Hand stuff again, and she does such wonderful tiny things. So now I'm tempted by Rolodex cards, they are little, and you can put them on a thing that you can turn around and flip the cards, so you could display them when you want. So then I saw a little tiny notebook, it is 3 x 5 index size. I used to use them to put quotes and Bible verses in... and why not decorate one and do that again?? So I decorated the cover with diagonal paper. These are cut from magazines, catalogs, and would you believe the linings of those security envelopes? I would never have thought of that as something to use. But here it is. So there's my art for today, have to come up with a quote for the front. Didn't cost me a cent.
So then I decided what I wanted to do on this. I do try to do something every day, I don't seem to be able to stop if I wanted to LOL
So I won't know what it will be until it is. Art journal anyway. I love the cover so far.
And yes it's imperfect on purpose. LOL However, I didn't quite know how imperfect it was going to be. I discovered that the marker I used ran when I put mod podge on the top. Then, one of the strips wrinkled badly, and when I went to try to straighten it, it tore. So I found a little sticker to cover it, and then of course I had to put another at the top. Good thing I already decided to embrace imperfect because it is. But that's ok. I'm going to take my own advice.
I just didn't think I would have to practice what I am preaching to myself so soon...
It is still today, barely, so I thought I would include what I did tonight on the first page.
Art journaling can be quite powerful. I decided to decoupage a napkin or something on the page, and in the box this caught my eye. It's something I knew I would do something with eventually but I've had it a couple years. As I did the page, I remembered the day I found this strange piece of foil wrapping paper.
I was feeling very sad that day, I don't remember why, but the last few (ten!) years have been sad ones, lots of loss. I don't remember what was bothering me that day. As I walked, I saw this piece of foil flying around in the park, so I chased it down and stuffed it in my pocket. Strange, but as I continued my walk, I saw a lady with a jacket that was this color. I laughed, and for some reason, showed her what I had found and we had a laugh. I didn't know her.
We just started talking. Either she or her husband, I don't remember which, had just been diagnosed with cancer, and she really needed someone to listen to her. So we stood there quite awhile, and she just poured her heart out.
So I've just been remembering. I've never been to great at that sort of thing, just actually talking to a stranger. But that day I did. So it's a reminder to Seize the Day (just saw the boo boo on the page!!! oh well. Embrace the imperfect, right? )
A reminder, grab those times, when you feel the nudge to just say something. You never know when God will use you. I've passed them by far too many times. I'm glad I didn't that day.

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