There were a ton of bees out on the rosemary in the front yard but they didn't seem to get to the back yard. I only saw one there. I did see what looked kind of bee-ish a few days, some kind of flying thing that would come up and hover in front of my face. That's kind of spooky. But it was going around to the different flowers so I was hoping it was a good kind of pollinator. There was one of those skipper moths (that's what we called them as kids) and a few white moths, and one butterfly sighting. Two, there was another butterfly out there yesterday. A lady bug, A praying Mantis, A grasshopper, and a zillion spiders.
The zucchini gave us around 7 or 8 zucchini on 3 bushes. That's pathetic. Lots of the littles withered because of course they won't grow if they are not pollinated.
I planted NINE bean plants. Two made it to producing. Totally maybe a dozen beans. Also pathetic.
I guess I'm chalking it up to oh well, it will be better next year. I sort of want to plant lettuce now, but the only spot I have is that raised bed, and I am arguing with the tomatoes right now, telling them this is the last chance to get some tomatoes going, because it's going to be too cold soon, and they will be pulled out in a week or so. OR I am going to build a greenhouse around them. Must. Decide. Then where to put lettuce. I'm feeling inadequate to the task. So what. Just do it. The last of the flowers? Around here, roses kind of bloom year round. This yellow rose has just bloomed its heart out. I have kept it well watered so it's loving life.
The black eyed susans got eaten with bugs not long ago, they are looking sad. But they have produced tons of seeds and I am hoping to have lots in the garden next year, if someone doesn't pull all the "weeds"
I have babied the irises this year so hopefully in the spring they will grow nicely and bloom well. They didn't bloom last year, I think they didn't get enough water, but I carefully flooded them every two weeks as directed by someone on YouTube, so things should be looking up for those babies.
I would like to get a couple amaryllis, since the move killed them off, I want to blame the move and not my ineptness but I can't guarantee that it was the move. Even the cacti didn't like the move, but they seem to be adjusting ok. I did lose a couple, but one is coming back nicely, and I know what the other was, I'm going to try to get another.
The one thing I have enjoyed is a plant I have no idea what it is, a weed I guess, but I let it grow because it was pretty. It got these puffy tiny balls on it so I guess it's going to be all over the yard next spring.
I am hoping to feel well enough to work out in the yard as much as I can this winter. I am hoping for a beautiful transformation but planning on just a little more. We shall see. We bought roses one year without planning where and they died. This year we will have a plan.
So growing things is part of sanity for me, so looking forward for the winter and rain to clear the air so I can be outside. Since it doesn't get particularly cold here much, I am hoping for a lot.

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