So years later I finally quilted it. Not fancy, but done. Time to bind it. In my stash I can't find anything. I can't believe it, since I know I had it. So I ordered some green from JoAnn, and finally got it. Yesterday I decided it was DO THE BINDING day and so I cut all the strips, trimmed the quilt, and sewed it on. Today, off and on, I've been hand sewing on the binding. I'm not done yet but just had to celebrate getting this far. Maybe tomorrow I will get it done. I'm halfway around. As I'm doing this, I am reminded of why it didn't get done. It wasn't being perezoso (lazy) it was being ocupado (busy) and quilting was the last thing on my mind when I was caring for my mother in law, my father, and then my mother. After my mom died I was frozen for a long time, and then there's this pandemic which kind of did the same thing to me. It isn't over, but I'm finally now DOING things so that's a start.
I'm never going to be a magnificent quilter, I am not that motivated. If I had not decided to take that quilt shop job I probably wouldn't have started quilting. But life takes us strange directions sometimes. If I had not worked there, I wouldn't have met the people I did, and my life is richer for that. He estado estudiando español durante cien días. Felicitaciones para mi!!
( I have been studying Spanish for 100 days. Congratulations to me!)

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