I got three boxes sorted. When the fabric store closed, the owner gave us each several hundred dollars worth of fabric. Boggles the mind, right? So there's that. Again, more projects than time. I do hope I have ten more good years, but one never knows, and I'm feeling old these days. I crocheted for a bit today, but my hands really started hurting. Can't decide if it's good exercise or just pain causing. That's the trouble with Oldness. It's easy just to blame the Oldness when maybe it isn't. There's that video of that 100 year old ballet dancer dancing.
I did get 2 dolls restrung. My rescue Ginny. At least her arms are on. I don't know how to fix her slightly crooked head, so it's just going to have to stay that way. No picture yet, she is so lovely and clean and all but she says no picture until her hair is curled. The wig was the original, but the wig cap was disintegrating, so I made her a new one. Sewed her old hair on, a bit crookedly I might say but now that it is all dry it does need to be dampened and curled. The two Betsys are all done, hair combed and styled, and my original Ginny is wearing a lovely dress from Cindy Rice, and Betsy 1 is wearing her new dress, and this poor Ginny doesn't have one, so I guess she's going to have to have another. I do have a couple dressed my mom made for Original Ginny so that might do. She says no it won't do, she wants a new one.
ah that imagination thing again.
I do have several pieces of appropriate fabric, a sewing machine and no appointments in the future.
I did learn some stuff doing Betsy's and may actually make Betsy another since I'm not super happy with the first.
Also tomorrow, there's a new Cat Hand Motivational Morsel... and I still have Rolodex cards, and there's that gel press and those new stencils... and plenty more boxes.

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