Okay. Back to art journaling. After I got the background how I liked it, (from this post) I was baffled as to what else I wanted on it. I have other backgrounds that are just stuck away waiting for something, and usually before long something hits me. Today, I was putting away the lovely calendar I rescued and looking through it to see if there was something I might use. I saw this and the colors were all there. So here it is. Usually, I will do more to the background, I added a wonderful new leaves stamp that I have, just shadowy. I may add more later but I really like the softness. Sometimes I'll write on the background, either from my head or perhaps a poem or other sentiment. It's waiting for that. I did write on the back of the page, and that might be all I do since I sharpie ghosted in the first place.
Meantime it's going in my art journal notebook with my other pages, waiting to see if I ever want to put any more on it. It IS making me want a lilac bush or two, and maybe a birdhouse in the back yard, since our kitty is now a totally indoor kitty. Although there is another kitty that comes over sometimes and digs in the yard. That kitty left me a headless mouse body one morning. Wasn't that nice??

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