random thoughts and pictures of what I have been creating... and collecting... and thinking
Saturday, January 30, 2021
a sad day today.

another mini doily
smaller hook, and in some ways it was actually easier, since the thread seemed to go more smoothly and was much easier to work it. It only took me about ten minutes to do, so I think I will end up doing more. This is the third project with this fabric!! Originally it was a quilt made by my great grandma, well worn with stains and holes, and a long time ago my mom made it into vests for her granddaughters, herself, and for me. However, the vests were all tiny and my daughter and I are not. I don't know if my niece got one, she's tiny so it would be wearable. Anyway, I decided to cut the three I have up and make these hearts, some to give away, and a couple for keepsakes for my daughter and I. I got four hearts per vest! They are around 5 inches across.

Friday, January 29, 2021
Little Mini Doily and related thoughts.
a particularly tough week. (musings)
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Card Making Prepping

Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Cat Hand's Book of Color, Red

Friday, January 15, 2021
A little break (musings)
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Cat Hand, book of Color

Sunday, January 10, 2021
art journaling again

Friday, January 8, 2021
art journaling
It is interesting when people start talking about art journaling, because I don't know what "qualifies" as art journaling. For me, it is whenever I am expressing something with my art, and usually it has not started with a specific idea but just develops as I go. Some things I consider art journaling when maybe someone else might not. Sometimes it's just whatever and I call it art journaling because it's therapeutic. Who knows. Funny, you can do the same thing on a canvas, so is it painting or art journaling? I'm not an "artist" I am a crafter who loves paint. I haven't taken an art class for 50 years or so. I do watch videos and follow tutorials sometimes. But I don't have to be an artist to love painting and stamping and stenciling and whatever else I do.
A few pages I've been doing. I will get back to doing Cat Hand's motivations when she gets going. I got the cover done for my Book of Color but I still keep adding to it! When I think it is ALL THE WAY DONE I will post the picture.
Many times a page is expressing something, sometimes it is just a combination of things. This has a lot of bubble wrap painting on it, and those particular words were just in my head at the time. It seems like a mishmash of stuff but I love how they all combine and are pleasing, at least to MY eyes; which is the whole point, because if no one else in the whole world likes it, it is still my expression. I could always add to this if I wanted. There are no "rules" for this stuff.This one is done with a stencil from Carolyn Dube and Stencil Girl. It just caught my eye and I loved the freedom expressed in it. More bubble wrap, and stencils, and the underneath was sharpie ghosting.
So there you are. I've been doing a lot of painting lately, like trying to keep my mind off of everything else.
punching ball
I could leave it here, and use it for a collage background or whatever. But I felt like doing a bit of ink blending, and although it's not perfect ink blending it was satisfying. I don't like the results, however, so I'll do another layer on top of it.
It's going to be a good background for something or other. For now, I will let it dry, and put it in the pile of backgrounds that I already have. It might end up a base for gelli printing, or stenciling, or maybe that thermofax screen I've been wanting to use. Or I could even put another layer of gesso on it and start over. But all those sad and frustrated and angry thoughts are all down and out. That's what I love about art journaling in general, and about sharpie ghosting in particular. I don't really want to keep those thoughts. So I write them all out, and as I coat it with gesso, I pray. Then as I am creating new out of the old, it helps let go of all that stuff and see some things differently, and more hopefully. I am reminded that God takes whatever life dishes out and eventually brings us to some kind of peace. These days it's super tough. But I can take one day at a time. We will see where it goes from here. White spatters always help, and stenciling, and maybe some cute little birds. Who knows. It will turn in to something beautiful, eventually, and so will I. Below: a few details from the fully dry piece. I wish it photographed well. It produces such intricate details when spritzed with water. I love it dry. Still don't have plans for it.

Thursday, January 7, 2021
giving thanks through my tears
Back to thankful. I'm just looking around for thankful. My Christmas tree is still up. I've taken off the ornaments, but the lights are still there, and since my topper died I put up my grandson's star on the top with a light in the middle. That tree is representing light in the dark, hope in the dark. So it's there for a few more days, I think. We will see.
And my rolodex card for the day. A bit of a notepad page, and a couple stickers. Simple but it says what I wanted to say today.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021
reminscing again, finding Ginny dresses, and misc. musings.
My beautiful Mary, that I got when I was REALLY small, I don't remember not having her. She still works except for her voice. She's sitting on my mom's treadle sewing machine, that also needs repair. My my my. I will never get everything done, LOL, and that's pretty far down the list. Mary is wearing a baby dress that I altered to more or less fit her. Still needs the sleeves shortened. I do still have her original dress but she looks so good in deep rich colors and not pale yellow. She's not for playing either, so I'm not making more clothes for her. That's a thrift store rescue in the back. She doesn't have a name. She's dressed in a cool newborn animal print outfit with a bright orange jacket. Still needs to be altered.
Monday, January 4, 2021
itty bitty art

Sunday, January 3, 2021
Scrappy mixed media, and more musings.

About Me
- Lindy
- just a crafty grandma experimenting with all sorts of things. My main interests are paper craft of any kind and quilting/sewing. But I've done leatherwork, polymer clay, on-the-wheel pottery, painted molded ceramics, papier mache, stained glass, plaster casting, linoleum printing, paper making... you name it, I've probably tried it. A few I actually stuck with. :)