I couldn't even slop paint today.
But I shredded a bunch of stuff, and started thinking about making paper, since I still have the deckle and such from my last paper making adventures many years ago. I know where there's a tub to soak paper in, and thanks to a shredder, I can shred some stuff.... I still have some of that very cool thick paper that really adds texture. I have some dried flowers in The Dictionary. I think, anyway. There's dried leaves in there, and I can always figure out something to put in the paper, maybe some GLITTER. HA. I love hate the stuff. When I was a church janitor it was ALL HATE because it is impossible to get out of carpet. But as a Sunday School teacher, it was all LOVE until of course cleanup time. I can use some snippets of whatever to add to the paper. Like bits of threads or fabric, or hmmmm. So maybe I can keep on going.
Must just keep on going, keep on being thankful, keep on grieving, keep on comforting the others who are grieving, looking to see what the good stuff is.
Tomorrow is another day.

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