And I made those "sugar free, artificial sweetener free" SURE>>>> brownies.
We each had a taste, and it was lovely, but we're both a little afraid of consequences. I'm annoyed that 1. I didn't read the comments and 2. that I saw "no artificial sweeteners" and just got it and 3. that maltitol is not considered "artificial sweetener? That is goofy all by itself. But I sure won't get it again. Learn. READ THE LABEL>
I also transferred a bunch of posts from my "old" blog today. If the title has ... at the end, it's the "other" blog. Mostly, it is sentimental stuff or faith stuff, not crafty. Originally, THAT was the "thinking" blog and this was the "crafty" blog. I decided to merge the two last year when I realized that nobody was really reading either one, and I just wanted to deal with ONE blog (rather two instead of three... I still have another one, with recipes. LOL) if you want to find out what catches my eye. Some I LOVE and others I haven't tried. I do have this fight between myself about keto and paleo and vegetarian and The See-Food diet. Mostly I do the last one, at least lately.
I am planning on labeling all the ones I've put here from the other site "updated" and have some of them but not all. There are also topics, such as dementia, or whatever on the right side over there, and if I have tagged a post with something, you can see them all at once. I still have a couple years' worth of posts left, but I'm not transferring ALL, and I am deleting some.
So when the last post is transferred, in a week or so, I'm going to have a blog party. If nobody comes to my party, I will just take me out to dinner or something. Otherwise, I will have a prize for someone.
And maybe I'll have to write a book or something.

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