So it's election day. I figure we will take the outcome in stride, but not everyone will. There's a good chunk of the country ready for war. In some places, they mark the street blue where Democrats live, with the intention of harassing and intimidating them. In our little city, there are a lot of gun toting people, the same ones who refused to wear masks for so long. Funny thing, last time we went to the store, everybody had masks on. Something to do with almost 500 deaths in our county, and more than 22,000 cases of COVID. And rising.
We went over to my son's last night to take a gift for their 12 year old birthday boy. SO hard to be that close and not cuddling. I did cuddle with the dog. So much that my kitty avoided me for awhile.
So positives. Don't worry, be happy. Laughter is the best medicine and all that. The background is a snippet of a piece of paper I cleaned my brayer on while I was doing something else (painting peanut printing) I don't throw those snippets away, I either add more to them, cut them up for these teensy projects, or use them to die cut butterflies or such. Sometimes they get torn up in a collage. On the left side I will comment about how I'm feeling about this day. So it's a very tiny journal.
When I did a little quote and scripture verse notebook this size for my mom, she flipped through it so much the pages started falling out. I had my daughter and my cousin do pages, and asked my sister in law about her favorite verses and did it for her. That was not exactly my idea but a wonderful one. And now I am doing another one for myself. This time with color and butterflies.

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