Thursday, September 24, 2020

happy bird day

I just love these birds. They are from Tim Holtz. I had problem after problem with this, and almost just gave up and started over. My midnight ink needs re inking, and instead of JUST DOING IT I grabbed a different black pad. Well I wasn't thinking, it's pigment ink. I should have at that point thought, well, I could just emboss it, but nooooo I didn't. I have had these script stamps awhile, and they are meant to interlock. I didn't remember that until the 3rd letter. So oh well. I did all the letters anyway, and the birds. I haven't used pigment ink in awhile, forgot how long it takes to dry. So after I did all those letters and all those birds without a mishap, I got a fingerprint in the corner.... so. I had decided to color with felt pens, but remembered that that won't work with pigment ink, neither will watercolor. Neither will alcohol pens. 
Colored pencils to the rescue. Not spectacular, but it will just have to do. I grabbed some aquatini to do a little ink blending on the edges and you guessed it I dropped the blending tool... on the card. So I just kind of got mad, what's going right anyway. I was doing a bad blending time so I made it worse on purpose for texture...I added some lime rickey too, and suddenly I really liked it. So hope he likes it. Like "they" say, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Some cards I make are Beautiful, some are just ordinary. I hope he likes it.

And it figures that I would have a terrible time with this blog post as well. Things kept jumping around and not staying where I wanted. So if you find goofy boo boos pray for me. LOL


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About Me

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just a crafty grandma experimenting with all sorts of things. My main interests are paper craft of any kind and quilting/sewing. But I've done leatherwork, polymer clay, on-the-wheel pottery, painted molded ceramics, papier mache, stained glass, plaster casting, linoleum printing, paper making... you name it, I've probably tried it. A few I actually stuck with. :)