Friday, September 25, 2020

Tank ewe!!

I am loving these stamps. They are from Trinity Stamps, and they have matching dies, although up to now I have resisted the dies. Word play always gets me, and this is no different. So there will be more cards from them I'm sure. I can't promise how long this link is good, and it's a pretty bad picture, sorry.


I can't remember all the combos, but I'm sure I'll think of other stuff. Like what about that N. Or the leaf. I'm sure I'll think of more. 

This is only two of the cute things you can do.
Eye am praying for ewe,
 I am tank-full
Hay owl bee seeing ewe
eye love ewe
Bee Tank Full
you get the idea. 

I only have 5 copic pens, but they are the colors I needed for this. I also got some art-n-fly pens. I don't like them as well but they are MUCH cheaper. If I colored a lot, I think I would go with the copics. 

Another thing becoming popular is those thinline cards. I used to do those but stopped for some reason. This seems like it would be good, a whole sentence in a column. We will see.

PS I re-inked my Midnight ink pad. Go me! 

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About Me

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just a crafty grandma experimenting with all sorts of things. My main interests are paper craft of any kind and quilting/sewing. But I've done leatherwork, polymer clay, on-the-wheel pottery, painted molded ceramics, papier mache, stained glass, plaster casting, linoleum printing, paper making... you name it, I've probably tried it. A few I actually stuck with. :)