Tuesday, December 1, 2009

my father...

2002 update... we lost my father six years after this was written. I have written a lot about my father, because he was such an incredible man. I hope I told my parents enough how much I loved being their daughter. 

DECEMBER 1, 2009
my father…
Today I was trying to put up a shelf. It needs trimming. Before, I would call my dad, take the shelf over there, and he would trim it on the spot. Now, I have no one to do that for me. I have to figure it out by myself. Sigh. I miss my daddy. He’s still alive, he’s just not right here. So I called him and told him how much I appreciated him and how he was always there.

He has been there in my life so very much. I remember one time when my life was unbearable beyond belief. I had just had major surgery, a friend’s 4 year old drowned, my dog was run over right in front of me, and the cows made friends with some porcupines. I also found out I was pregnant with my fifth child that week. I just knew that there was no way to handle things. I cried for days on end.  My father, knowing that the thought of having another baby was overwhelming to me, said, “oh goody!! another baby to love!” He made it clear that he was there for me no matter what.  He took me fishing. I am NOT a fisherman, I don’t even LIKE to fish. But he said, just cast it out there and wait. Just wait. And breathe. He told me it was going to be okay, that someday I would thank the Lord for this child, and even for the overwhelm.

And I have. I am so blessed that my youngest is here. He is such a wonderful guy. We all would have missed so much if he had not been born. Sometimes it sure doesn’t seem like Our timing, but it sure is HIS timing.  God knew just what He was doing. Lord I praise You!

And now, all those babies are grown and on their own. That little boy is going to be 22 years old this month. And that father will be 85. Time flies by, they all grow up, I can’t believe how quickly.

And amazingly, the love my father has for me pales in comparison to the love that my Heavenly Father has for me. He purchased me knowing my sinfulness, knowing my weakness. He paid the full price for my sins knowing exactly how I am. He loves me even more than my earthly father. I can’t comprehend it.

And I will praise You, Father, always. I thank You for my earthly father, but more, I thank You for the gift You have given me.

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About Me

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just a crafty grandma experimenting with all sorts of things. My main interests are paper craft of any kind and quilting/sewing. But I've done leatherwork, polymer clay, on-the-wheel pottery, painted molded ceramics, papier mache, stained glass, plaster casting, linoleum printing, paper making... you name it, I've probably tried it. A few I actually stuck with. :)