So here's a list of the in process things... it will morph, and you will notice that there are finished things. That's for my own self-- I need to know that I finish stuff and don't always just start and abandon projects. :) There is a satisfaction to finishing; it just is not really strong in me. When I make a list, then I can see that I am indeed making progress. This is not every project that I have ever dreamed up, just the ones that I really want to finish (or start!) and their status. I have made a quilt or blanket for each grandchild!!! And nobody is currently "on the way" although I started one... for the one that didn't get to be born... will finish it any way and donate it somewhere. Babies need blankies!
UPDATE.... here's a list of NOW'S (2020) projects. Unfortunately a few of them are the same as they ever were, but I'm starting with a blank slate, and there will be a few that never got done that are going to disappear. Too much time has gone by. A couple donated, a few supply disassembled and returned to stash. Crossed off ones off the list. We have another on the way now, that makes 18. And a bonus granddaughter too, she's got a project on the list too.
a twin size quilt that is partly done.John's wall hanging. I want it finished by August.
Spring wall hanging needs backing. That is just for ME for a change.
A snail softie for MO I need that done this week
J's baby blanket and receiving blankets. Also this week.
Assorted mending
knit and crochet
shawl from Zombie Yarns. I ordered a kit. Need to print out instructions. Obviously have not started.
a granny afghan that I started in 2018 when my mom was in the hospital. It is about halfway done.
tweedy socks (one sock is finished, the other not started)
okay they are still on the dumb unfinished list. I still can't find the instructions.

scrapbook pages
LOTS are finished, but there are still MANY to do... probably will never finish all the pictures I want to scrap. :) I helped my father get started with scrapbooking and he did a wonderful job. He and I both prefer a simple style. See his work: Dad's Garden Book2020.... I'm leaving this list alone for now. I haven't done much recently at all. I can't cross off anything more at the moment. I HAVE fixed some of my mom's books, pasting some loose things, putting some in page protectors. Going through my parents' stuff is definitely overwhelming.
Liv graduation
Joel graduation
James graduation
Paul graduation
Mills genealogy book finished... however, things keep getting added to it.
Dunnihoo vintage picture album in process
PROCESS... techniques I want to try
2020.... I've tried a lot. For paper craft, I did a year long class of different techniques. Wonderful! Some I already knew, but it sparks a lot of new ideas, and hopefully I will do a post on it soon.stamp carving.... years ago I did linoleum block printing. I really enjoyed it... and I ran across this tutorial for carving stamps... (2014, did it! I liked it)
and Traci Bunkers has a 30 days of carving on her blog...
now where did I put those tools.....:)
some interesting flowers that look like they would come in handy sometime....
crocheted flowers... I used to make these too... you know I forgot a lot of stuff. ;)
might even combine the two, paper ones with crocheted center... hmm... love new ideas.
and then there are stencils... here are some great ones at good prices.... wish list time.... end of March!!
So many new things I want to try.
Pop up cards:
and a video about making frames-- good reminder of a skill I already have, and more things to do with the skill...
March 29, 2011 Some new things to play with....
April 2, 2011 I've been playing with all these.things... the carving tools...
the little book of drawing...
and another fun from coffee filters...