Sunday, May 10, 2009

almost mother's day...

 (2020... well have I come very far? I think I am where I should be. The continually, I don't get it, Lord, but I don't have to, because YOU get it.)

MAY 10, 2009
Almost Mother’s Day!
Why serve Christ? Not that I am trying to make up my mind, God called me to Himself a long time ago. I’ve had some rough bumps in the road. I’ve had times when I told God I certainly didn’t want to be included in His family and Please Leave Me Alone. Fortunately for me, He didn’t throw me out a long time ago.

Of course I struggle with Doctrinal Things, I am not a scholar, I am a thinker. I don’t study enough. I don’t share my faith enough. I want to love people, pray for people more than I want to study! God gave me the gift of praying– I pray a lot. But still, not enough. The truth is I could never really do enough to pay Him back. Why do I know I am a believer?  I have always known, as long as I remember. No dramatic scene. Plenty of dramatic scenes, but not one that stands out and is called “When I was converted”…

I read historical things in the Old Testament. I see the bloodiness of history. Sacrifices. Wars. Slaughter. Slavery. Wandering. I don’t understand. Isn’t He a God of Love? Yes, and of Grace, and Mercy, and Justice. There is much I don’t understand, maybe I won’t ever.

Bottom line, it isn’t about ME. It is about HIM. I’m a tiny piece in this universe. I don’t know what all is out there. God knows. Are there other worlds? God knows. He, after all, made it. He thought it, He breathed it.

 Why focus on Jesus?

JESUS!! Why did people cast down their nets and follow Him? He didn’t say, you will have eternal life… not then. He said, you will be fishers of men. He didn’t promise any benefits from following him, in fact He told them they would SUFFER! He told them to count the cost. The people He called were just ordinary people. Not the rich of the world.  They followed because of JESUS, not because of the reward they would get!  He didn’t say, I will make you great, I will put you above other men… He said it would be hard. It would include suffering.

And so I will follow Jesus because of JESUS!! He has given me the desire, He has given me the faith, He has granted me forgiveness, He has made me pure. All glory for anything is HIS.

I don’t understand, but I follow.

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About Me

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just a crafty grandma experimenting with all sorts of things. My main interests are paper craft of any kind and quilting/sewing. But I've done leatherwork, polymer clay, on-the-wheel pottery, painted molded ceramics, papier mache, stained glass, plaster casting, linoleum printing, paper making... you name it, I've probably tried it. A few I actually stuck with. :)