Friday, August 28, 2020

Happy birthday Mom...

today is my brother's birthday, I did send him a card, but I may try to call. My mom's birthday too. And my former pastor's wife. I sat and "talked" with my mom this morning, remembering the good stuff, forgiving the bad, being reminded of all the help she gave me with kids when we lived near them. I was blessed with great parents. A friend was talking about how he was abandoned by his mom when he was 7. He used to live in our neighborhood, and would come over and play ping pong, my mom loved it. So also reminded that I shared my mom with kids who needed a mom. So today I will try and honor her memory. 

 oh dear. Found another "unfinished" pile. I should be glad, I can make a BUNCH of cards, and give away some sets. Might, however, revise my "unfinished" rule. I really want to make some butterfly cards. I have such self control. HA.

I had high hopes for today, get up early, get dinner cooked, get a LOT done. But I couldn't go to sleep last night until 2 or so, and so I didn't even wake up until 10. This is all strange for a former earlybird. I don't WANT to go to sleep; but in the morning I don't want to wake up either. I quit caffeine, but am ready to go back to bedtime caffeine, I sleep better. Go figure. Oh yeah, ADD. 

Such strange days. SJ County COVID cases are down to 100 or so a day. So that's good. Last time we went out, LOTS of masks. There are still protesters that claim their rights are violated, but not so often. Lots of businesses are open, but people seem to be trying to be careful. It's hard to even think about what is going on all over, between politics, pandemic, hurricanes... so I'll just keep busy. It's not like I will ever run out of things to do around here, dealing with everybody's stuff (now who agreed to let it in the house in the first place??) and my own inertia. I am reminded again that everybody's online presence shows the best side and the good stuff and rarely the bad, with few exceptions. And I don't have many Face to Face relationships, even less now that we've been isolated for months. 

I used to have a separate blog for personal rambling stuff, but I have been consolidating, so there you go. 

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About Me

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just a crafty grandma experimenting with all sorts of things. My main interests are paper craft of any kind and quilting/sewing. But I've done leatherwork, polymer clay, on-the-wheel pottery, painted molded ceramics, papier mache, stained glass, plaster casting, linoleum printing, paper making... you name it, I've probably tried it. A few I actually stuck with. :)