Friday, January 29, 2021

Little Mini Doily and related thoughts.

I've never made a mini doily. Or any doily for that matter. I have made crocheted doll clothes and wash cloths and such but never an actual doily. I am thinking I need a smaller hook for this. 

It is only about 2 inches across, and I think with a smaller hook it will be just right for my hearts. 

The other thing I made was little flowers. I need a smaller hook. I have tons of smaller hooks that were my grandma's, my great grandma's. my mom's, and my sister in law's. They are in a little plastic box.



I just ordered some red and cream thread but the rest is from  my sister in law's stash which I inherited. It's fun to do something different. I also got a ton of embroidery floss, pearl floss, metallic floss from her. I have already given away half of it, to a woman who works where my mom lived and does counted cross stitch. I still have way more than I could ever use. Hmm... I could crochet a little doily from pearl cotton. It would be pretty.

I have been tempted by some craft-of-the-month kits but I have (wisely) decided that I have enough stuff to keep me busy forever. 

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About Me

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just a crafty grandma experimenting with all sorts of things. My main interests are paper craft of any kind and quilting/sewing. But I've done leatherwork, polymer clay, on-the-wheel pottery, painted molded ceramics, papier mache, stained glass, plaster casting, linoleum printing, paper making... you name it, I've probably tried it. A few I actually stuck with. :)