Sunday, October 4, 2020

Mixed Media Morsels, #16 butterfly embellishments, and #17 tissue paper background

For the background, I sponge painted with blue and green. The stamp is from an Altenew butterfly stamp set. This was a little challenging, because I'm not the best with the little detail drawing, which is why I rarely think of myself as a Real Artist. I could probably do fine with practice. The top one was done on a smooshed mirrored background, described in my last post The bottom one was on a magazine page cutout. I might do more but I have so many butterfly stamps and dies I doubt it. But it was a good challenge, and I really liked the background and will do that again.
I think I posted this before, I did it a long time ago because I knew it would be super quick. This method is with mod podge, and it seems easy to do on this small card. I've tried it with less success on larger surfaces. Usually I don't care, because what's a little wrinkle on a journal page? The other method that I've done is with plastic wrap, cut a little smaller than the piece of napkin you are using, and ironed on. The plastic melts, forming a really good bond. Just don't get the plastic on your iron. 

So I'm more than halfway done with these Mini Morsel appetizers. This has been really fun, and good to do 5 or 10 minutes at a time, do one step, and another later. Sometimes that's all the time I can stand there working. I need to figure out the optimal height for me to work. I like to work standing, so have some thinking to do. 

I will probably get #18 done tonight, I watched the video during the Insomnia Time, when they advise you to not look at glowing screens but I was distracting myself from the flashlight beam on my front window. I looked out and saw nothing, and the floodlights across the street which come on without provocation quite often were not on. My neighbors have been out with flashlights in the night before (???) so I assume it was them, but still, sometimes it's hard to settle down. 

So the one after that is "silhouette" and it is a technique I've used before, but it will be fun to see what she is doing with it. About this time I get anxious to Just Be Done but I am not going to rush. And since it's my birthday, I'm going to go have a tiny bit of ice cream with a bit of whipped cream on it. I had two sets of grandkids sing to me today and messages from a few others... and a friend brought me a beautiful dahlia. So an ok good day in spite of my attitude. I hate this pandemic. So who doesn't, right? So quitcherbellyachin. Go paint. Or make brownies. Or go swing on the swing. Wait, it's dark. America's Funniest Videos will be on, so laugh. One day at a time.

Someone spoils this kitty, and she will eat out of his bowl if he lets her. She doesn't beg from me because I chase her away. Everything does not taste better with cat hair. 


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About Me

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just a crafty grandma experimenting with all sorts of things. My main interests are paper craft of any kind and quilting/sewing. But I've done leatherwork, polymer clay, on-the-wheel pottery, painted molded ceramics, papier mache, stained glass, plaster casting, linoleum printing, paper making... you name it, I've probably tried it. A few I actually stuck with. :)