Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Painting Linda-style

One of the people I admire, art-wise, is Carolyn Dube. I think it's because she just does what she wants, and Perfection is not the goal. I am NEVER perfect, so it's good to be acceptable. This is from a free class I took from her. I recommend it! It really let a light go on with me, and made me realize that my style of "art" is perfect for me. I'll enjoy the sculptor's sculpture, and the artist's paintings. I will just enjoy the color and the texture, and know that if it pleases ME, that is what counts. If I want to use a brush, I will. Or a sponge. Or my fingers. Maybe my feet. Hmm. Probably not. Maybe a baby's foot...

When we were children, we (most of us) loved finger painting, and just digging in and doing it. We wrote on the walls, drew on the sidewalks with chalk. We were joyous and radiant and danced with glee at what we did. 

It's ok to let the child in us come out to play. It really feels good to just slop the paint however it feels good. It helps me deal with stress. It is good. 

Some of the things I have painted with....
yes that is part of a flyswatter. Also a piece of a flip-flop. A little plastic cup, and a little sort of squarish thing that used to be one of those ice cube freezing things, but this one broke. Also bubble wrap, makeup sponges, and bottle caps. LOTS of things make good stamps. I have also made my own stamps out of erasers. I once did a print of my shoe. When out and about, I turn to rubbings for texture. A table at Deli Delight. Some sidewalk with exposed aggregate. A tree with interesting bark. Leaves. Then there are stencils and stamps. Gluing stuff on for dimension. 

So that's Linda style. Painting whatever with whatever I feel like. It is good to just be ME...  and once in awhile I come up with something good. 😁
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About Me

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just a crafty grandma experimenting with all sorts of things. My main interests are paper craft of any kind and quilting/sewing. But I've done leatherwork, polymer clay, on-the-wheel pottery, painted molded ceramics, papier mache, stained glass, plaster casting, linoleum printing, paper making... you name it, I've probably tried it. A few I actually stuck with. :)