Monday, October 5, 2020

One by one but not in order. It doesn't matter, but I feel a little guilty.

MMM #19 Silhouette

Cat cut a bird out of a magazine. I am not good at that. So I used the flower punch that was sitting on the desk, and one of my wipe off cards. It looks Halloweenish!!  Well, it's October. It is sad that I didn't use tons of care with this and do it like she did, but it will remind me of the technique. I love doing silhouettes. On these teensy cards with magazine paper? It didn't appeal to me. 

#25, Ransom Note Letters

Not in order!! This started out as a wipe off card, and the circles were excess paint that I just needed to use. When I saw #25, Ransom Note letters the background jumped at me and "smile" was the word to use. So there it is. I have used words, but not just letters, and this is so cute, and made me smile.

Funny, though. I am doing these FOR ME. But I feel slightly guilty doing them out of order. So THAT makes me smile. I am a rebel LOL

This one is now #26, stencils. I started trying to do those painted circles that Cat did but they looked horrible. But a stencil on top and voila!! I love it. Goes to show you, often one more layer transforms stuff. Not always. I have thrown stuff away, especially that one that the masks pulled off the tape. Right after that, I found the masking paper. I don't know if that would work either. Maybe if you mod podge over the paint first  before you stencil? Things to learn. Of course with this one, it's a firm stencil, not paper, and when I taped it down, I taped it to the table, not to the paper. 

The trouble with doing something that you really like, such as this, is that I couldn't ever duplicate it, because usually if I try to, it is a fail...

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About Me

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just a crafty grandma experimenting with all sorts of things. My main interests are paper craft of any kind and quilting/sewing. But I've done leatherwork, polymer clay, on-the-wheel pottery, painted molded ceramics, papier mache, stained glass, plaster casting, linoleum printing, paper making... you name it, I've probably tried it. A few I actually stuck with. :)